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Enticing An Angel (Romancing Angels Book 1) | Leo Charles Taylor

Enticing An Angel (Romancing Angels #1) by Leo Charles Taylor

51usxyHeNmL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Print Length: 224 page

Publisher: Jokat Publishing (June 7, 2014)

Publication Date: June 7, 2014


Book description:

Michael Angel is the oldest of five brothers all of whom are unwed, a fact that displeases their mother immensely. Susan Angel is a determined woman who chooses her eldest son as the starting point on her quest to see her children married. However, when Michael falls for the wrong girl, an artistic free-spirit who enraptures his sou, Susan’s relationship with her children will change, and as the series progresses, so will she.

Melanie Price is certainly not Mrs. Angel’s first choice for her professional and upstanding son, Michael. While she attempts to separate the lovers, her sons begin to fall under the spell of the energetic and fun loving pipsqueak that has entered their lives. From the hardened construction worker, to the brooding paramedic, the widower, and the emotionally scarred divorcee, the Angel boys will begin to see in Melanie a hope and an idea that having a woman in your life is something to be desired.

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“The book is an excellent story. Leo brings in actual places in Seattle to give that feeling of you are in the story, plus the characters are true to life. Every emotion and feeling come to life with the characters. Melanie is a true angel herself weaving her magical innocence and quirkiness into the Angel family. Michael didn’t have a chance when he met her-he was a sucker from day one for her. They are a great couple and compliment each other perfectly. Very refreshing to read a romance novel from a male author. One of my favorite authors today!” –  Melinda Bell 

“Enticing An Angel, follows the story of Micheal Angel, who is the oldest of five, as he falls in love with an artistic, free spirited, Melanie Price, who is mother never wanted to see him with. Causing the entire family structure to collapse and for all five children to break away from their mothers control.

This is a delightful read, as the characters Leo Taylor, is able to make add to the value of this novel as a whole. This read, is a short somewhere around one hundred and sixty pages, but Taylor still manages to pack it with a punch being the first in a series of books to come.

The characters are truly a wonderful thing through this novel from start to finish, seeing them grow and prosper is just an amazing experience. Each character adds to drama, tension, and suspense in this novel and I love seeing each one at work. Taylor, has a great way of building his characters and making them truly relatable and lovable. By far the best aspect of this novel, would have to be the mesmerizing characters, which Taylor crafts with amazing detail and profound craftsmanship.

Also, the romance in this novel is heart-touching and beautiful, feeling one hundred percent authentic and original. The plot is only strengthened by Taylor’s powerful writing style that lets the entire novel flow smoothly.
Overall, this was definitely a great read and I can’t wait to read the novels to come, watching the characters grow even more throughout the series. I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves to read romance and character rich novels as they will definitely be please when reading Enticing An Angel”. – Paris Carter